I’m excited to be participating in Google Summer of Code 2020 with nteract (under NumFOCUS).

I’m also thrilled to be mentored by Matthew Seal (@mseal) for this project.

My project for the summer - testbook.

testbook is a unit testing framework extension for testing code in Jupyter Notebooks.

Previous attempts at unit testing notebooks involved writing the tests in the notebook itself. However, testbook will allow for unit tests to be run against notebooks in separate test files, hence treating .ipynb files as .py files. testbook helps you set up conventional unit tests for your Jupyter Notebooks.

It’s quite humbling to be able to build this library from ground up, and I’ve had to really up my game in terms of best practices for software development, documentation and testing. I can only see it teaching me more and more about these things in the coming few months.

Over the last couple of weeks, we have launched our docs website over at test-book.readthedocs.io. (We hope to transition to testbook.readthedocs.io instead) along with couple of other major developmental tasks.

We hope to release testbook v0.1 very soon!

testbook links: